A political leader (from Greek “polis”) is an individual who is involved in influencing public decision making.
That’s me. I can’t help it. I was born this way. Believe me, too, I have hated it in myself.
Still it has influenced everything I’ve done in my life. Up to this point I have been very silent about this. Only those closest to me were aware. Now, I’m ready to turn it on. I’m starting here.
Starting with my first stance. I’m making a stand, rather obvious one, for womens rights. Women have acheived a lot already but the game is not over.
Passive Sexism
First thing that happens when u suppress a movement like sexism is that it goes underground. It becomes backroom chatter, silent understandings, and hidden oppression. It becomes veiled in other causes (separate but equal) and is harder to identify.
You can’t fool a politician though, that’s our game. I recognize it and I will tell you, you can count on that.
I pledge to fight passive sexism.
Public Image
Ever been in a school? If so you understand what kids look up to and what they mimick. They will be the first to repeat the curse word back to you and copy your worst qualities.
Same thing is true in US society and culture. We don’t understand the true reality of conference panel picking or managment meetings. We understand public image and what you say.
It really is a dual challenge of walking the walk and telling people you are walking the walk. Can’t just be fair and open minded (walk the walk) you also have to openly state your open mind.
Until you do that you sit next to all the sexists that women deal with on a daily basis.
This is not about playing politics or crafting an image. It is about clearly distancing yourself from the sexists.
Otherwise, you leave it up to us to form our own opinions.
The Theory of Mind
“Theory of mind is that thing that a two-year-old lacks, which makes her think that covering her eyes means you can’t see her”
The mind is a powerful force but it is also a secluded force. It is all by itself and can never really ‘touch’ another mind. That’s why empathy is so important in our world. It is something we inherently lack and need to work at.
When it comes to sexism it is just as bad as racism. One can never really understand how it feels to be oppressed until you are. Then you take it seriously. Then you understand how important it is to make a stand and do whatever you can to help.
That is the point of the theory of mind. Its very hard to understand and emphathize with another mind. What you can do is listen to those around you. Notice when they are telling you something. You may not understand it but it will always come accross with passion, hurt, emotions, or a claim that it’s the right thing to do.
That is what I am doing. I’m hearing and seeing all this in my life right now. I’m also hearing a lot of defensive arguements and laissez faireĀ attitudes.
As the leader that I think I am it is my duty to stand up and stake my claim. I believe I am seeing sexism. I believe that chips will always fall as luck wants, but a person can do the right thing in the meantime.
I want to see a better world, one without sexism. Please join with me and take this step.