Category Archives: web
summer peach
back to the future fun
silence earthling remix on the libyans
greens bucket explosion
Say No To Drugs – Bad Hair Day
i heart f.m.
Next Generation Energy
I recently attended a fascinating seminar on emerging technology in energy. Here are some of my notes and thoughts on the next generation of energy: Energy Harvesting My favorite new term. It refers to using existing energy sources (solar, wind, geothermal, thermo) and turning them into electricity to feed the grid. Pretty much covers all …
Green IT Proposal for Gov 2.0 Expo
Oddly enough I did it. I found a way that Green IT relates to Gov 2.0. The bond too seems pretty strong on both sides. Almost as if one would be inherently weaker without the other. Read on… —- My proposal to speak at Gov 2.0 Expo in May: 5-minute rapid fire presentation Title: Green …