Listen. Support me. Believe in me. Give me what I need. Help me fly higher than I have imagined. —- Love yourself. Believe in yourself. Be all that you are meant to be. Stay in your center, stay in the calm. Know that I love you & I’m always with you.
Category Archives: love
The Connection Is Made
This will be the first time I memorialize this aspect of my being. I have the ability to connect with someone on an unconscious level. It belies distance and any form of communication. Its nothing short of telepathy. My newest connection is with Amy Senger. There I was not a minute before this writing, tired, …
My Biggest Project (so far)
It’s not really fair to call this a project, but that is what helps me understand the undertaking. It helps me bucket-it and stay sane as it happens. The latest project of mine is Amy Senger. She is the woman I love. I have decided to give my love to her and dedicate all that …
Enter the Bear Den
Love or something like it. I cautiously enter the den…will i be mauled or warmed? The next great adventure of my life is approaching…slowly ticking away like the destiny that approaches. Get the Trip Countdown widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox!
25 things…
*a response to 25 things… by Amy Senger* You may or may not know about the Bear aka the @sengseng: If you are lucky enough to see her right when sunlight enters the room, she smiles and giggles like a blissful child She cannot drive in peace, instead she requires madonna and or loud dance …