Have you ever heard of the term lip dub? Chances are no. It doesn’t help either that the internet dictionaries are missing out on it too. Does this mean I am breaking new digital ground?
Well, let me tell you all about it, because lip dub videos are fun to make, awesome to watch, and sweeping the video world. A lip dub is a homegrown music video. Fans of a song, make their own video, singing along and acting out the original video or making up their own stuff. So, here take a look at this one, from vimeo: lip dub to flagpole sitta
This brings me back to the title of the post…Youtube is great and is the monster of video. Well, a lot of other sites are trying to cash in on this popularity. One way to accomplish this is to create several niche community based video sites. Maybe one about just lip dubs, or one for families. The core of the site would be a small community that shares and talks to each other. You could restrict access to just community members, offer privacy options, and integrate some fun social networking aspects.
This kind of focus on the long tail of consumers is just the right approach. Cull out the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. The previously mentioned site, Vimeo, hopes to accomplish this. I am sure many others are already out there (let me know about them!). So, youtube may always be the big kid on the block but their is plenty of room for some competition. Especially, considering that were are talking about millions/billions in ad revenue (back Venture Capitalists, back!).
So, take a look at vimeo, sign-up, it’s fun, and make sure to check out the lip dubs.
P.S. thanks to my colleagues at work for getting me excited about this